Most Predictable Sport

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In this article we are going to take a look into which sport is the most profitable to bet on. Feel free to read the article below.

One of the most profitable sports to bet on can be European Football (soccer), but in this video I'm only going to take a look at the major North American sports.


We can see that the NFL is clearly the most predictable arriving at a 78% predictive accuracy when 2 mutual teams are used. You will also notice that the MLB is the least predictable, doing little if at all better than just consistently predicting the home team. Sport Verified is the best free football prediction site in the world and the site that predicts football matches correctly. We are the most accurate football prediction site providing our users with the most accurate football predictions around the world. We provide the best football predictions and sport.

College basketball and college football can also be very profitable to those who follow them closely, with a large number of games played. For this article though we are only going to look at the 4 major professional leagues: NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL.

It is important to note that while statistically some sports might be more profitable for bettors than others, in the end it will all come down to the person who is handicapping the games. Some people will have a great read and great systems in place for one league, and no matter how hard they work they won't be able to successfully handicap another.

It's a numbers game…

Let's take a look at how many regular season betting opportunities we get for each major league:

NFL = 256 games per season
NHL = 1230 games per season
NBA = 1230 games per season

And with a 162 game schedule the MLB offers 2430 games per season to bet on.

Also factor in that easily the most popular sport for betting is the National Football League and you can conclude that the sharpest of bettors analyze those 256 games to shreds.

OK, so MLB has the advantage in total games available to bet on, now lets take a look at the odds offered on each sport.

Odds Offered

While most sportsbooks offer 10-20 cent lines on NFL, NBA and NHL games they get extremely competitive with their MLB lines offering as low as 5-8 cent moneylines.

This means that while in an evenly matched NFL game you might see the Steelers -110 and the Ravens -110, in an evenly matched MLB game you can expect to see something like Cardinals -104 and the Reds -104.

Again, point MLB.

I've got the last final blow that makes MLB baseball the most profitable sport to bet on.

Betting Match Ups

The NHL, NBA, and NFL have something in common that, if looked at in a unique way, the MLB does not. The first three are team sports. All 11 ,6, or 5 players are on the field, ice or court at the same time and they must play as a team to win their game. If a few players aren't playing well it can bring the whole team down.


We can see that the NFL is clearly the most predictable arriving at a 78% predictive accuracy when 2 mutual teams are used. You will also notice that the MLB is the least predictable, doing little if at all better than just consistently predicting the home team. Sport Verified is the best free football prediction site in the world and the site that predicts football matches correctly. We are the most accurate football prediction site providing our users with the most accurate football predictions around the world. We provide the best football predictions and sport.

College basketball and college football can also be very profitable to those who follow them closely, with a large number of games played. For this article though we are only going to look at the 4 major professional leagues: NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL.

It is important to note that while statistically some sports might be more profitable for bettors than others, in the end it will all come down to the person who is handicapping the games. Some people will have a great read and great systems in place for one league, and no matter how hard they work they won't be able to successfully handicap another.

It's a numbers game…

Let's take a look at how many regular season betting opportunities we get for each major league:

NFL = 256 games per season
NHL = 1230 games per season
NBA = 1230 games per season

And with a 162 game schedule the MLB offers 2430 games per season to bet on.

Also factor in that easily the most popular sport for betting is the National Football League and you can conclude that the sharpest of bettors analyze those 256 games to shreds.

OK, so MLB has the advantage in total games available to bet on, now lets take a look at the odds offered on each sport.

Odds Offered

While most sportsbooks offer 10-20 cent lines on NFL, NBA and NHL games they get extremely competitive with their MLB lines offering as low as 5-8 cent moneylines.

This means that while in an evenly matched NFL game you might see the Steelers -110 and the Ravens -110, in an evenly matched MLB game you can expect to see something like Cardinals -104 and the Reds -104.

Again, point MLB.

I've got the last final blow that makes MLB baseball the most profitable sport to bet on.

Betting Match Ups

The NHL, NBA, and NFL have something in common that, if looked at in a unique way, the MLB does not. The first three are team sports. All 11 ,6, or 5 players are on the field, ice or court at the same time and they must play as a team to win their game. If a few players aren't playing well it can bring the whole team down.

Most Predictable Sports

I know you might be saying 'well the MLB is the same way'. Gambling money line. It is in some aspects as a few players playing poorly can cost the team the game, but overall from a betting perspective you can look at MLB as one on one match ups. It is essentially pitcher vs batter match ups. Defensive, managing, base running, and that does play a role, but most games are won and lost in the pitcher vs hitter match up.

Star trek slot machine app. There are so many stats to analyze in baseball as well that makes it that much better for us sports bettors.

To Recap

Most Predictable Stock

  • MLB betting offers the most opportunities with 2430 games in the regular season.
  • We can get better lines on MLB games.
  • MLB is more of a one on one match up with lots of stats compared to the others which are more team games.

What Is The Most Predictable Sport

With that said some people simply can't find profitable angles in the MLB. Those bettors might be great at NFL or NBA betting. Find what you are most profitable betting and continue working on your strengths.

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